My Workout From Home Playlist

Doing a workout at home for me is so much harder than when I workout in a gym. I think this is because my workout area in my home is not lined with Arnold Schwarzenegger showing off his Mr Olympia win or other people working out which in turn pushes me to train harder and lift heavier. (I'll admit, a little ego lifting does come into effect, but hey, I am only human!) And I don't think I'm the only one with this problem.Welcome... Music.

Music is so important to us when working out. Whether we're getting ready to lift a new Personal Best Deadlift or aiming to run a 5K in record time. Music will help achieve any goal. Why? because music attaches to our emotions. Music interacts with our mood. We've all been there, when we are feeling sad, what is it we do, we stick on some sad music, music that makes us cry because it attaches itself to out emotions. a Workout music will do the same. If your aiming to run a mile as fast as you can, maybe try and listen to something with a quick upbeat tempo. 

Why not take the time to make your own Workout from Home playlist. An example of my would consist of 3 parts:

Part 1) Warm up. Before I do any form of training, whether it be lifting weights or cardio, I always warm up, something to get the blood running through the muscles and get the joints loose. The music I would listen to would be something that gets me motivated, something that attaches itself to my emotions. For example:

Eminem - Loose Yourself
Meek Mill - Championships
Eminem - 'Til I Collaspe

Part 2) The Workout. Now the blood is pumping, I'm ready to train, ready for my muscles to be educated in pain, ready to show my body just how far I can push it. To help me to do this while training from home, the tracks need to be right

Linkin Park/ JayZ - Numb
Oh The Larceny - Another Level
Gashi - My Year
Meek Mill - Uptown Vibes

Part 3) Cool Down. Now I've taught my body a lesson in how to push itself, the thing to do is to cool down and relax and repair the muscles. For this, I'll stretch and take in depth breaths and really try to relax.

Ludivico Einaidi - I Giorni
Fearless Motivation - Most People
Fearless Motivation - I Made It

These are just a few examples of the music that really does help me Workout from Home and to train hard and push myself as I would if I was training at a gym.

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